‘Champion’ status for our Extra Mature Cheddar

Friday 20th May was a day of mixed emotions for the team here at Wyke – Nigel Pooley our Master Cheese Grader retired after 19 years, but his nose and expert grading led us to another win – our Extra Mature Cheddar won 'Dairy Produce Champion' at Devon County Show!
Not only did our delicious Extra Mature win ‘champion’ status for its smooth but rounded flavour, our Smoked Cheddar and Ivy’s Vintage also gained gold medals. It wasn’t just a good day for the cheeses either, our butter was top of the class in all three classes we entered it, winning ‘Best Farmhouse Butter, ‘Best Salted’ and ‘Creamery Butter’.
A great day all round with another 10 awards won to add to the collection - all thanks to the grading team, including Nige the Nose, who will be greatly missed. Happy retirement Nige!